Auto / Buying a Car

Selling vehicles to older radio fans

This is the fifth of six reports on the car-buying habits of various radio and television audiences. The idea is to help radio stations sell ads to people in
Jerry Lee with the James Bond car

Selling vehicles to middle-aged television fans

Our in-depth look at the car preferences of radio and TV fans continues with the program choices of those in the middle of the TV-watching spectrum. The purpose of this is to help television stations sell ads to people in the automobile business; and conversely, for people in the automobile business to make informed decisions about ad placement

Selling vehicles to middle-aged radio fans

The purpose of this study is to help radio stations sell ads to people in the automobile business; and conversely, for people in the...

The confluence of Sports Radio and big ticket items

Sports radio has an awesome array of attributes to sell – and two of the most compelling are these – you know you’re going to get a lot of males, and you also know they will have money to spend. Here, from the data wizards at Prosper Insights and Analytics, is a look at the buying plans of the Sport audience in 2013 with some bonus insights tossed in for good measure.

Selling vehicles to young television fans

This study is a very simple tool to help television stations sell ads to people in the automobile business; and conversely, for people in the automobile business to make informed decisions about ad placement. Today’s info culled from the massive database of Prosper Insights and Analytics sheds light on six young-skewing TV formats. It’s the second of six installments.
Auto / Buying a Car

Selling vehicles to young radio fans

House Communications Subcommittee Chair and NRCC head Greg Walden (R-OR) criticized Social Security cuts in a budget submitted by President

The digital devices of television fans

As digital gains, traditional advertising venues tend to shrink – unless they take effective steps to partake of the digital portion of the advertising

The digital devices of radio fans

The slice of advertising pie being consumed by digital venues is getting bigger and bigger. The bad news: Other slices are getting smaller
People watching TV

Television program demographic rankers

Here is the companion piece to “Slicing and dicing the television audience,” which ran in this space two weeks ago on 3/11/13. This report

Radio program demographic rankers

Here is the companion piece to “Slicing and dicing the radio audience,” which ran in this space two weeks ago on 3/4/13. This report...
People watching TV

Slicing and dicing the television audience

We’ve taken apart the demographic statistics from the data wizards at Prosper Insights & Analytics for the radio side of broadcasting – and now...
MIB Reports News Radio

Slicing and dicing the radio audience

The data wizards at Prosper Insights & Analytics have updated their massive databases that provide vital intelligence on the crossroads between broadcast programming, consumers,...

Consumer confidence rebounding but volatile

So says the latest report from Prosper Insights & Analytics. Consumers expressed more confidence in February 2013 than they did the month and the...

The buying habits of TV fans, part 2

Following our dig into the BIGinsight database to get an idea of who the most frequent buyers of several miscellaneous common purchase items cross-checked...

The buying habits of radio fans, part 2

We already took a look under the hood of the BIGinsight database to get an idea of who the most frequent buyers of several...