NAB supports limited analog extension

One of the best tools available during the DTV transition test run in Wilmington NC was the analog echo available on over-the-air television stations. Seen only by consumers who had failed to take

White space devices pass FCC test

FCC Chairman Kevin Martin says that an exhaustive study by FCC reports has confirmed that allowing unlicensed devices to operate between channels in television’s sector of the spectrum has been

Lame duck sessions in the works

The Senate is definitely going to convene after the elections are over, and it looks like the House of Representatives will follow suit, according...

Fairness warnings still in the air

Even though there has been no steady drumbeat to revive the Fairness Doctrine that we are aware of, there has been a steady drumbeat...

Are 3rd parties raising the electoral Barr?

The left-right battle lines are clearly drawn in the contest between John McCain and Barack Obama, but both have gadflies on their flanks that...

If a translator falls in the wilderness…

Or, if a translator interferes with a station and nobody hears it, is it really interference? Living Way Ministries was initially prohibited from building...

More support for Class A proposal

The Coalition for Local Television was joined by over 150 Class A television station licensees in signing a petition asking the FCC to go...

Just the fax, ma’am

Has the FCC discovered a way to solve the economic crisis? Probably not, but if companies continue to send out unsolicited fax advertising, it...

FCC takes its show on the road

The October open meeting of the Federal Communications Commission will be held in Nashville next week. Out of seven agenda items, only one directly...

FLAIM claim extinguished by FCC

The Finger Lakes Alliance for Independent Media had to do more than let its fingers do the walking to stop a deal between Citadel...

Minority tax credit still on back burner?

The National Association of Black Owned Broadcasters notes in its latest newsletter that support is growing for reinstatement of the minority tax certificate, am...

FCC appends time to amendment period

A trio of media companies was successful in asking the FCC for more time to amendment waiver requests pertaining to the revised newspaper/broadcast cross-ownership...

FCC checking into military analysts

It was revealed some time ago that many if not most retired military officers used by news organizations for commentary on hostilities around the world had ties to the Pentagon, defense-related

Fleeting expletives on SCOTUS agenda

It may be a good thing that the Supreme Court is still free from the tools of the electronic media trade, since Federal Communications...

Congress gives FCC some homework

Mark Pryor (D-AR) has seen his Child Safe Viewing Act make it through the Senate, and the House has followed suit. It’s hard to...