Consumer Thanksgiving spending plans revealed


PollA new study of consumers revealed that a certain percentage of them have turned down a request to host a Thanksgiving gathering at one time or another. And even though the that segment of the population is relatively small, the segment looking for bargains is not.

The survey comes from, and was conducted by Harris Interactive.

It found that 12% of all consumers have turned down a request to host, a number we at RBR-TVBR find to be refreshingly small.

However, there are concerns about Thanksgiving this year. One of the biggest is that the extreme weather that has been afflicting much of the US will drive up the cost of food, and in turn the cost of hosting a big Thanksgiving Day dinner. IN fact, no less than 70% of those surveyed think the weather will have a deleterious effect on costs.

What’s more, 45% say they are at least “somewhat overwhelmed” by the projected costs associated with hosting the feast.

Nonetheless, more than half are planning a triple-digit expenditure on the meal. 7% will be spending more than $300, and 49% plan to spend between $101 and $300. The remaining 44& will keep costs at $100 or less. The average expenditure will be a robust $246.

“While it’s a time for celebration, the price tag that comes with hosting a Thanksgiving meal can be daunting for those hosting,” said Jackie Warrick, President and Chief Savings Officer at “Many Thanksgiving hosts have gotten a jump on their shopping already, stocking up on non-perishables and frozen items to supplement their fresh purchases. By combining a head start with other savings strategies, hosts can trim their turkeys and their costs.” advises consumers to buy generic where possible and to use coupons, which they of course can provide.

RBR-TVBR observation: It’s pretty clear what your clients’ on-air messaging should be highlighting. We’ve seen literature lately noting that without certain items, the meal would be considered purely and simply wrong my many Americans. So there are certain items that are going to sell no matter what. Your clients need to let local shoppers know that must-have products are stocked in abundance and going for a good price to generate the volume of traffic that will allow them to profit from this once-a-year event.