Democratic finale boosts campaign to 50%


The Project for Excellence in Journalism coverage chart for the week of 6/2/08-6/8/08 was as you would expect.

The final battle between Barack Obama (D-IL) and Hillary Clinton (D-NY) dominated the news, from the last primaries on Tuesday 6/3/08 to Clinton’s concession on Saturday 6/8/08. Cable, which often gets into 70% territory on campaign coverage, was there again with 74% focus – but this was one week where all five tracked media had a tight spotlight on the story.

Not much room was left for other matters, and two pocketbook issues, gas/oil prices and the US economy in general, captured the #2 and #3 slots in a battle of numerous and varied generally low-coverage stories.

Story Overall Newspaper Online Net. TV Cable TV Radio
2008 campaign 50% 36% 35% 47% 74% 58%
Gas/oil prices 4% 7% x 8% 2% 1%
US economy 3% 6% 3% 3% 2% 1%
Domestic terrorism 2% 2% x 4% 2% 2%
Bo Diddley passes 2% 5% 3% x x x
Ted Kennedy’s health 2% x 5% 3% x 2%
Global warming 2% 2% x 2% 1% 3%
Iraq events 2% 4% x x 1% x
Air Force officials resign 1% 2% x 2% x x
Chinese earthquake 1% 3% 3% x x x
Yves St. Laurent passes x 2% x 2% x x
TX polygamy raid x x 5% x x x
Worldwide food shortage x x 2% x x x
Iraq homefront x x 2% x x x
Iran x x 2% x x x
Pakistan x x 2% x x 2%
Zimbabwe: diplomats attacked x x x 2% x x
Violent US weather x x x 1% 1% 1%
Scott McClellan’s book x x x x 3% x
Immigration x x x x 1% 1%
Iraq policy x x x x 1% x
Sudan/Darfur x x x x x 1%

Source: Project for Excellence in Journalism