Done radio deal in Charleston SC


Mediatrix SC LLC is now the proud owner of WLTQ-FM Charleston SC. It will be the second station for the group in the market, joining WQIZ-AM St. George SC. The company, owned by F. Gary Towery, also has an AM station in the Greenville-Spartanburg SC market.

Media broker Mark Jorgenson was the seller this time around. His Indigo Radio will earn $525K for the station. There is also the chance for an extra benefit. The buyer is a non-profit entity, and with that in mind, the fair market value of the station is being determined by an appraiser. If it comes in above the sale price, it will be treated as a charitable donation, providing the seller with a potential tax benefit.

According to Jorgenson, Mediatrix is installing a Catholic Talk format on WLTQ.