Emmis-NY goes green


The team at Emmis-New York (WRXP-FM, WQHT-FM, WRKS-FM) has found a unique way to clear out the storage closet. After some behind-the-scenes work (deleting hard drives and re-formatting), the NY cluster donated 100 used computers to "Computers for Youth,"(www.cfy.org) a national non-profit organization dedicated to improving the home learning environment of low-income school children. The organization takes donated computers, refurbishes them with educational software appropriate for middle school students, and puts them in the students’ homes so that they and their families can learn together. Training is offered to the family on how to use the computer, with ongoing tech support and initial internet access. The computer donation is part of Emmis-NY’s green initiative, which includes on-air & web environmental specials, endorsements of local initiatives and personal testimonials, and staff participation in environmentally friendly initiatives.