Equity Media shutting off stations?


Equity Media Holdings’ WGMU-CA (Green Mountain TV), a collection of eight LPs in Vermont that carry MyNetwork TV in the region have gone dark—nearly the same day they filed bankruptcy 12/8. Remember, last week Silver Point Finance, which backed Equity, pulled the plug for non-payment. Silver Point is seeking liquidation, alleging in court that Equity’s management cannot reorganize successfully under Chapter 11 and does not have cash sufficient to cover its payroll.

So we’re checking if they’re not feeding from Equity’s CASH (Central Automated Satellite Hub) hub in Little Rock, AR for all of their stations (no it’s not from the ice storm up there yesterday), or if Equity is just turning off stations that are money-losers. No word back from Equity. WGMU is just an answering machine. At deadline, MyNetwork TV was checking into this.