Gifford working to counter NRA political funding


VoteThe tragic mass-shooting in Tucson made a victim of former Rep. Gabrielle Gifford (D-AZ). Her new focus is to prevent such tragedies in the future, and part of that effort will be the formation of a PAC which will seek to match the political voice of the National Rifle Association.

According to The Hill, the group’s plan is to come to the defense of any candidate that is attacked by NRA for “…taking moderate positions on common-sense gun-safety issues,” as early PAC member Mark Kelly told the paper.

According to Kelly, the PAC will even field its own candidates.

The group, launched 1/8/13, two years after the Tucson incident, quickly raised $400K and is shooting for between $16M-$20M by the time the 2014 election season rolls around.

RBR-TVBR observation: What this basically means is that there will be an effort to counteract the NRA political message with an opposite message that is just as effective because it will be just as well funded. In other words, the paint has barely dried on the 2012 election, and already there is a new group hoping to spend millions of dollars in 2014 that didn’t even exist in 2012.