Glenn Beck/Sarah Palin cleared for Lincoln Memorial rally


An 8/28/10 Lincoln Memorial rally being planned by television and radio personality Glenn Beck and featuring former Alaska Governor and Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin has been given the go-ahead by the National Park Service. Meanwhile, radio talker Al Sharpton is also seeking a Washington DC rally permit.

Beck is brought to radio daily by Premiere Radio Networks, and both he and Palin work for Fox News Channel. Sharpton is available on Syndication One, an arm of Radio One and Reach Media.

According to the Washington Post, the Beck-Palin rally is a go, and the Sharpton rally, which is planned for Dunbar High School, is being processed.

Along with Beck’s iconic venue, he is also expecting a much bigger crowd, according to WaPo – the permit says they are expecting 300K attendees. Sharpon is looking for a much more modest crowd of 3K.

The Beck-Palin rally is scheduled to run from 10AM-1PM eastern. Sharpton’s website says his rally will kick off at 11AM and doesn’t mention an ending time.