Microsoft unveils Bing TV ad


Microsoft has rolled out the first television ad for its Bing search engine, as part of its upcoming multiplatform campaign via JWT, branding Bing as a “decision engine.”

Microsoft’s first Bing ad

The minute long spot opens up with a number of familiar internet queries, including ‘keyboard cat’ and ‘afro ninja’, with a voiceover saying “we don’t need queries and keywords if they bring back questions and confusion.”

The ad continues with a number of flashing images with ‘search overload’ written across the screen, a voice over reading “staring today we need the right information to make the right decisions. Decisions that help us feel right. Decisions that helps us get to the right place at the right time.”

The ad concludes with “Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to bing and decide.”

The ad rolled out in the US yesterday across television, print, radio and online, including across Google.