Minority watchdog spins donated Minnesota AM


KMFX-AM Wabash MN isn’t doing much right now – the station is silent, and has been donated by Clear Channel to the Minority Media and Telecommunications Council. But it will soon be put to work in pursuit of MMTC goals indirectly, via a sale to Alan Quarnstrom’s Q Media Group.

Clear Channel indicated its plan to donate the station to MMTC back on 4/20/10. Clear Channel retained several other stations in the market.

In turn, MMTC, headed by David Honig, will liquidate it for $15K cash. Quarnstrom is well aware that he’ll need to restore the station to the airwaves.

The station is a 1 kW day-timer which is part of the Rochester MN market. Q Media will pair it with KLCH-FM Lake City, which was listed as a 70s/Oldies station on 94.9 MHz in paperwork accompanying the FCC application.

MMTC made its plans to invest a third of the proceeds directly toward its goal toward the diversification of communications a matter of contract. The document states that $5K will be allocated “…for the purposes of initiating and/or maintaining training programs targeted at women and minorities who Seller may recommend, who wish to own, manage of otherwise participate in the operations of broadcasting stations, broadband systems, or any other medium of mass communications…”