NAB/MSTV assure FCC they're on the DTV case


Nobody is more aware of the critical nature of bringing along consumers into the digital future than are NAB and MSTV. The organizations filed comments on the topic detailing their commitment to the project and plans to pull it off, and urged the Commission to avoid impeding the process. The organizations said they have "…embarked on an unparalleled and unprecedented consumer education campaign. This is a multi-faceted education campaign that uses all the tools available to achieve success." Some elements are under way; others are soon to be unveiled, and it will be comprehensive. "No avenue to reach consumers will be left unexplored as we reach out to all demographics, all geographical areas, urban and rural communities, the young and the old." NAB/MSTV respectfully requested ask three things of the FCC: "First, take actions that facilitate the transition, not impede it. Second, do not assume that a one-size-fits-all approach will work in all communities. Third, stand ready to adapt as needed." NAB/MSTV particularly request that they be free and clear of excessive tracking of consumer awareness levels. They realize it will be critical to monitor the success of the program and will be doing this; they state that the task will not be served by a duplicative reporting requirement imposed by the FCC.

TVBR/RBR observation: We suspect the reason we always hear that European governments spent large sums on consumer DTV education is because so many of the stations there are government owned-and-operated. Here, the opposite is the case, and it would appear that NAB/MSTV are willingly taking the lead in the US education campaign. NAB and MSTV represent the constituencies, along with everyday consumers, that stand to suffer the most if the transition is unsuccessful, and to their credit they are behaving as though failure is not an option. The government should pay attention to progress, but it can also relax this time in the knowledge that the heavy lifting is being done by highly motivated stakeholders.