Obama opens fire in Florida


The Wall Street Journal notes that Barack Obama (D-IL) has dropped about $6.5M in advertising in all major Florida media markets, an expenditure that thus far has not been answered at all by opponent John McCain (R-AZ). McCain’s campaign feels he has natural strength in the state and can afford to wait until closer to the election to mount an answering salvo – plus some of his national buys are making it to Florida airwaves.

RBR/TVBR observation: This has been a critical battleground state and is generally considered to be in the toss-up category, even though it’s gone Republican lately. McCain’s crew notes that he’s not losing much standing in the polls. But he’ll also have to get around to paying more attention here at some point. Looks like we’ll all be watching this state again, but hopefully only for hours, not weeks on end as in 2000.