Optimedia, Publicis Launch Optimedia Inside


Susan Gianinno, Publicis USA CEO and Antony Young, President, Optimedia US, announced the launch of Optimedia Inside, a new joint venture designed to bring additional firepower to developing media neutral strategic solutions for clients.

Paul Hindle has been appointed to the newly created post of Managing Partner, Optimedia Inside New York and will report jointly to Mark Hider, EVP/Director of Engagement Strategy, Publicis USA and Antony Young, President, Optimedia US. Hindle will be located at Publicis NYC offices and lead a team from Optimedia New York that will employ a full range of media resources for Publicis clients.

Young says this is an effort to connect media, creative messaging and digital into an organic, idea-led communications platform. “The Optimedia Inside team will constantly look for ways to embed media earlier into the strategic channel and creative development process. Clients can’t afford not to integrated their marketing communications effort, and nor can we."

Previously, Hindle served as EVP/Director of Channel Planning at Young & Rubicam and was Director of Strategic Planning at OMD.