Radio ad buy targets government overspending


Non-profit, 501(c)(4) organization Public Notice says it is launching a radio campaign “to draw attention to the crisis of government overspending and the staggering fiscal problems it has created.” The :60 spots will begin running this week in metros in 10 target states.

The organization says its ad buy will target the metropolitan areas of Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia and will run for the next month. The total spend on the buy was not disclosed.

“This week, Congress will interrupt its ‘August Recess’ to rush back to Washington to…you guessed it: add tens of billions more onto the deficit with another round of spending the nation clearly can’t afford,” Public Notice said. “Despite overspending by $1.5 trillion (projected fiscal year 2010 deficit) this year alone – and despite endless pledges to get its spending under control – Congress returned to Washington today to vote on a $26-billion spending package to pay for state workers the states themselves cannot afford. This will be the latest in a string of bailouts to add to our already-record deficit, and prevent state and local governments from scaling back their own bloated budgets. It will also be another example of Washington paying lip service to fiscal discipline, but continuing to overspend at historic levels,” the group complained.

 “Overspending isn’t helping the economy and it isn’t creating jobs. In reality, we’ve been burying the American people under a mountain of debt for the last decade,” said Gretchen Hamel, executive director of Public Notice.

Ads airing include:

“Stop Digging” – We’re $13 trillion in debt but Washington just keeps spending more. This ad questions the wisdom of Washington politicians continuing to dig our nation into a fiscal hole ever deeper.

“European Crisis” – Think it couldn’t happen here in America? It’s happening now. This ad highlights how Washington’s out-of-control spending and unfunded mandates are actually hurting the economy.