Radio continues to hold its audience


According to a nationwide poll from American Media Services, the latest AMS Radio Index found that 63% of American adults listen to the radio one or more times a day, which was consistent with AMS polls performed in August 2006 and April 2007.  Listening was strongest within the key age group of 25-34, with nearly eight out of 10 (79%) saying they listen to the radio at least once a day.  Nearly three out of four (74%) Americans say they are listening to the radio as much or more now than five years ago, a finding that was also consistent with prior AMS surveys. 

Similarly, 74% of Americans say they turn on the radio when they get into their car.  That includes 72% of young adults ages 18-24 and 80% of those ages 25-34. On the other hand, subscribing to satellite radio remains flat at 11%.  Those who have it like it, but among non-subscribers, 89% said they were unlikely to subscribe in the next 12 months – which was even higher than the 81% who said they were unlikely to subscribe in last April’s survey.