Radio continuing to benefit from politics


Democrats and their friends have been going after selected Republicans as a result of the budget wars on Capitol Hill, and now a conservative group is coming to the defense of Republicans. Also going on radio: a defense of Planned Parenthood and immigration ads in Florida.

A conservative retiree advocacy called 60 Plus is said to be committing $800K to radio advertising in 39 targeted congressional districts. They say it is Democrats, not Republicans that put Medicare at risk and thank the Republican representative in each district for a vote in support of the Paul Ryan (R-WI) budget plan.

According to the Washington Post, 60 Plus is investing in 60-second spots to support the candidates of its choice, and is using phone calls and direct mail as well.

Planned Parenthood has been under attack by the Republican-controlled House, and the Planned Parenthood Action Fund it is taking its case into the districts of seven House Republicans. The House actually voted to eliminate funding for the organization, but the measure was stopped in the Senate.

Three organizations are teaming up in Florida to oppose a crackdown on illegal immigrants, and are using Spanish language radio in Miami to attack two Republican state senators who represent parts of the urban area. The groups are Democracia Inc., SEIU Florida and America’s Voice Education Fund. They oppose the bill because, similar to a controversial measure passed earlier in Arizona, it allows individuals to have their citizenship questioned on grounds of “reasonable suspicion.” This is seen as an attack on all Hispanics, whether citizens or not. The organizations are doubly concerned because both legislators are of Cuban-American descent.

RBR-TVBR observation: Radio gets a message out there fast and at a very competitive price, and the message can be targeted with a great deal of precision. It looks to us like it is being rediscovered by politicians and advocacy groups throughout the ideological spectrum.