Radio’s Rep. on the DL


Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR), who only recently sold his small market Oregon radio group, has twittered the fact that he has come down with the H1N1 virus and will be out of action for awhile. According to Congress Daily, his sad message was “Just diagnosed with likely H1N1. Ugh. Off to seclusion for awhile.”

RBR-TVBR observation: Walden sits on the key House Energy and Commerce Committee, where he is a valuable voice and a vigilant watchdog over broadcast interests.

His most recent act was to sign on to a bill which will allow LPFMs on third adjacent channels, as sure a sign as any that the gathering momentum behind the LPFM movement cannot be stopped.

We wish Mr. Walden a speedy recovery, and certainly hope that happens before E&C Chair Henry Waxman (D-CA) calls up any particularly thorny broadcast topics.