Shatner, Priceline Negotiator, opens page on


William Shatner, a.k.a. The Priceline Negotiator, officially launched his MySpace page Visitors can download ringtones, including The Negotiator's signature line – "You're so naughty!" They can insert their karate-chopping hero into personal photos or can listen to The Negotiator as he riffs on a certain ceramic gnome.

Earlier this year, kicked off The Negotiator ad campaign where Shatner, camping it up in the persona of a 1960s-era spy movie hero, has attacked high travel prices, karate-chopping and kung-fu kicking his way to spectacular deals for customers.

On sites like MySpace and YouTube, Negotiator fans began appearing, demonstrating their own deal-chopping karate moves. The Negotiator's MySpace page contains lots of previously unreleased video and audio footage, bio information and, of course, the ability to become part of his network of friends. Features include: Negotiator ringtones; Backstage interviews; The Negotiator's Favorites; and Put The Negotiator in your family photos.