Stereotype hearing has broadcast implications


A subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee is planning to look into stereotyping and degrading images of women later this month. It’s not usual suspect Ed Markey (D-MA), either. And in fact, it’s a rescheduling of a hearing which failed to come together before Congress’s summer recess under the auspices of Bobby Rush (D-IL) and his Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection. According to Variety, the hearing is not on the schedule yet but is being attempted for the end of the month. Earlier attempts were done in by scheduling conflicts which rendered desirable witnesses unavailable. The Variety report notes that Rush is planning to concentrate on hip hop lyrics, and that the focus on women will include an even tighter focus on African American women who are often targets in such lyrics. Music producers are expected to be on the witness panel, but attendance from members radio and television management may also be invited. In fact, the original title of the hearing, "From Imus to Industry: The Business of Stereotypes and Degrading Images," is said to remain intact, although it is unclear how much time, if any, will be spent on the now-stale Imus/Rutgers incident.