Why Enhancements To Veritone Digital Media Hub Matter


Veritone says it has made “enhancements” to its cloud-native, AI-enabled media management platform, the Veritone Digital Media Hub.

Why does this matter?

While COVID-19 has created additional challenges for content creators during the production process, remote collaboration, compatibility with their existing applications and the ability to extract increased value from their existing content will remain even in a post-pandemic world. Veritone Digital Media Hub’s new features – including an annotation tool, data export tool and content notifications – are designed to meet these challenges by prolonging the lifespan of existing content by easily searching and identifying segments in both archived and newly produced content, the company says.

Powered by aiWARE, these new features, Veritone notes, “will assist current and future customers to rapidly curate and activate assets to increase content discoverability, operational efficiency and revenue opportunities in content creation.”

New enhancements to the solution include:

  • The Annotation Tool, which offers new ways to curate, search, visualize, and validate cognitive and structured data for a media file by tagging and saving descriptive information against a segment of content. This new feature will support customers with multiple use cases, including licensing and monetization.
  • The Data Export Tool, which gives users the flexibility to narrow down a specific moment within a media file, a time range, or an entire data set by seconds, frames, or timecodes, and easily export this data as both JSON and XML output files.
  • Content Notifications that deliver a customized email alert for new content ingested into the platform, informing users of the type of content that has been uploaded.

“Our enhancements to Digital Media Hub, coupled with the power of aiWARE, will give current and future media and entertainment customers a new way to visualize, edit, and engage with their content and its associated data,” Veritone President Ryan Steelberg President. “This will provide them with greater control over their content by increasing the accuracy of how their content is tagged, giving them more ways to export it, and helping them stay on top of what is currently available in their library, which will culminate into more licensing and revenue opportunities. Additionally, these new capabilities have piqued the interest of our state and federal government customers too, and we look forward to expanding the value of Digital Media Hub into those markets as well.”

For more information on Veritone’s Digital Media Hub, visit: https://www.veritone.com/applications/digital-media-hub.