Tonight; 'Primetime: What Would You Do?' seeing a bad hazing


What would you do if you saw college students hazing their peers, making them participate in potentially harmful activities in a public place? Will strangers step in to help a bride-to-be when her controlling mom berates her while trying on wedding dresses? When you think no one is looking, will you just walk away from someone in need? Using hidden cameras, “Primetime: What Would You Do?” sets up everyday scenarios and then captures people’s reactions.  Whether people are compelled to act or mind their own business, John Quiñones reports on their split-second -and often surprising-decision-making process on “Primetime: What Would You Do?” airing FRIDAY, July 30 (9:00-10:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network. (OAD: 3/10/09)

People speculate on how they might act in a difficult situation, but this series shows what they actually do in the face of dilemmas that test their character and values.  Tuesday’s scenarios include:
HAZING: From fraternities to sororities to sports teams and marching bands, hazing is all too common on college campuses and even high schools across the country. It is supposed to be an initiation, a bonding experience, where pledges try to prove they are good enough to be a part of the group. But sometimes it can go too far and end in tragedy. Although hazing normally goes on behind closed doors, what will happen when guys in diapers led around like dogs or saran wrapped to a pole are forced to drink what appears to be a staggering amount of alcohol in a public place? Will people passing by view the activities as harmless fun or be outraged and step in? And will the reactions change if females are hazing other females?

MOMZILLA: Shopping for a wedding dress should be a wonderful experience for all brides. But what happens when an overbearing and controlling mother berates her daughter in one of New York City’s most exclusive bridal salons – will anyone step in to support the bride and confront the Momzilla?  When the bride is plus-size, are the reactions any different?

WAITING ROOM: Several surveillance videos in which bystanders ignored people in dire need of help have recently made headlines. “What Would You Do?” explores how people react when a woman collapses on a busy street during morning rush hour. How long will it take for anyone to come to her aid? What if instead of a well-dressed woman, a homeless man is the one needing help?

PHARMACY – CONTRACEPTION: A 16-year-old teenage girl walks into a pharmacy with a valid prescription for birth control pills. The pharmacist refuses to fill it because, at her age, he does not believe she should be having sex. In one scenario the teenager is played as a clean-cut all American girl who becomes visibly upset and embarrassed. In another she is sassy and gives the pharmacist a hard time. Will bystanders defend the teen or will they support the pharmacist?

(source: ABC)