Watchdog Common Cause elects Robert Reich


Robert B. Reich, who served during the administration of Bill Clinton as Secretary of Labor, is the new Chairman of the Common Cause National Governing Board by unanimous vote. Common Cause is a watchdog organization that often weighs in on communications matters.

CC’s interest in mass media has focused most often on how it influences the political arena, and in that regard it has been a foe of media ownership consolidation and the ever-increasing amount of money spent on political advertising.

The latter area will be a special focus for Reich, who commented, “I’m pleased to return to Common Cause and its work to rid our politics of the corrosive influence of big money. Now, more than ever, big corporate and special interest donors are buying access and influence in Washington to get their way, and it comes at a huge cost to ordinary Americans. We will not make progress on the significant issues of our day – the economy, climate change, social justice – until we get the special interests out of the business of paying for our politics. Common Cause is dedicated to that mission, and has been for 40 years.”

Reich was able to use the verb “return” due to stints as a CC intern in the 70s and a member of the Governing Board in the 80s.

The most recent prominent newsmaker from Common Cause has been its former President/CEO Chellie Pingree, who now commands the suffix (D-ME), who left the organization to make a successful run for the US House of Representatives serving Maine’s 1st Congressional District.