Yum! Brands' Food for Food Campaign launches


Isobar’s digital marketing agency Mindblossom recently created “The Food for Food” Facebook application for client Yum! Brands, parent of KFC, Pizza Hut, and Taco Bell.  The project was handled pro-bono as the agency’s contribution to Yum!’s World Hunger Relief efforts. The Canadian-developed Facebook application allows users around the world to send gifts in the shape of iconic KFC, Pizza Hut, and Taco Bell menu items.  Each virtual gift costs $1 CDN, and 100% of all proceeds generated go directly to the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in support of Yum!’s World Hunger Relief campaign.

Food for Food is part of a greater Yum! initiative the annual World Hunger Relief campaign to help stop world hunger.  World Hunger Relief is the world’s largest private-sector hunger relief effort, spanning 110 countries, 36,000 Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, KFC, Long John Silver’s and A&W All-American Food restaurants and more than one million employees, to raise awareness, volunteerism and funds for the United Nations World Food Program (WFP) and other hunger relief agencies.

Since Yum!’s World Hunger Relief efforts launched in 2007, more than $36 million USD has been donated to the WFP and other hunger relief agencies, and more than one million of the company’s employees, franchisees and their families have volunteered 9 million hours to aid hunger relief efforts in communities worldwide.  To date, the effort has helped to provide approximately 160 million, life-saving meals to 4 million people in remote corners of the world.

The app is at: http://apps.facebook.com/yumrestaurants/